But after the first play-through, the video might start playing again but will throw an error and stop playing. If I load the MP4 into Media Player (version info says ver 12.something), the whole video plays back without problems shown.

When I play it back in Edius, The whole video plays back perfectly until the 'end logo' section which shows a few black frames which show as black flashes in the video playback. If I double-click the new MP4 in the bin, it loads to the Edius preview window and I can play it back. I go to create an MP4 in Edius from the timeline using the standard H264 preset and CBR 20000 and get an MP4. Where the > are dissolves and all the clips are HQX files. So I basically have a simple edit setup which is 55 seconds long (no audio) and consists of:īlack>animation clip>animation clip>animation clip>animation clip>black>end logo>black

Currently using Windows7/Edius 7.53 after a long absence.